Meteor Showers

In the first column the names of the meteor showers are listet; the second column shows the mean evening date of the maximum of the showers; in the third column you find the radiant coordinates of the shower. The last four columns one will find the associated comet (if known), the hourly number of shower meteors, the shower duration (in days; parentheses mean 'uncertain') and finally the type of the shower.
The following types of showers are known:

An      annual shower expected
Ir      intense showers irregular
St      stream

Shower Date Coord. Comet Hrly. Nr. Shower Type RA Dec of Meteors Duration
Quadrantid 3.Jan 232 +50 40 0.6 An Corona Australid 16.Mar 245 -48 5 10 An Virginid 26.Mar 190 00 (15) St alpha Virginid 9.Apr 210 -10 (20) St Lyrid 21.Apr 274 +34 1861 I 12 2.3 An Aquarid 4.May 336 00 20 18 An Ophiuchid 15.Jun 260 -20 (25) St June Boötids 28.Jun 215 +55 Pons-Winnecke 50 (1916) Ir Sagittariid 6.Jul 300 -30 (20) St Capricornid 22.Jul. 318 -15 (25) St delta Aquarid 29.Jul 339 -17 20 20 An alpha Pisces Australid 30.Jul 340 -30 (20) St alpha Capricornid 1.Aug 308 -10 (30) St S-delta Aquarid 1.Aug. 337 00 10 (30) St N-iota Aquarid 5.Aug 331 -06 (40) St S-iota Aquarid 5.Aug 335 -15 (40) St Perseid 11.Aug 046 +58 1862 III 50 5.0 An N-delta Aquarid 13.Aug. 337 00 10 (30) St kappa Cygnid 18.Aug 290 +55 (15) St Giacobinid/Draconids 9.Oct 262 +54 Giacobini-Zinner 20.000 (1933) 0.05 Ir 1.000 (1046) Orionid 20.Oct 095 +15 Halley 25 8 An S. Taurid-Arietid 5.Nov 053 +14 Encke 15 (30) St N. Taurid 10.Nov 057 +22 (45) St Bielid/Andromedids 14.Nov 024 +44 Biela 1826 5.000-10.000 0.2 Ir (1827 und 1885) 50 Leonid 16.Nov 152 +22 10.000 (1883) 4 Ir-An 1.000 (1867) Geminid 13.Dec 113 +32 50 6.0 An Ursid 22.Dec 217 +76 Tuttle (1939) 15 2.2 An

Collected by:
C. Kronberg --- 96/02/05 --- smil

Curator: Hartmut Frommert [contact]