[de] [it]



English name:
see Stellar data



The constellation of Scutum is being counted to the Hercules constellation family. Although it is one of the smallest constellations (in fact the 5th smallest), it is located in a very interesting part of the sky because next to the Milky Way it contains rich Milky Way star fields and therefore is also for the amateur astronomer of interest.
Scutum can be found southwest from Ophiuchus and southeast from Aquila, the Eagle, just ten degrees south of the celestial equator.

Stars and other objects

Delta Sct is the prototype of a rare class of variable stars undergoing small pulsations within the range of a few hours; this leads to minor changes in the brightness of the star. The variation have a period of 4h 40min during which the brightness varies from 4.6 mag to 4.7 mag.
R Sct is a yellow giant variable star of the RV Tauri type. It varies permanently (and semi-regularly) between 5th and 8th mag.
The "Wild Duck Cluster" M 11 (NGC 6705) is magnificent in large telescopes.
The faint open cluster M 26 is nice and tight cluster. Detailed information about this cluster and M11 can be found in the Messier database.
The diffuse galactic nebula I 1287, lying about two degrees south of alpha Sct, requires at least an avarage telecopic power. The meteor shower June Scutids is active from June, 2nd, to July, 29th. The maximum occurs on June 27th; the hourly rate is 2 to 4 meteors. See Gary Kronks database about meteor showers for detailed information.

Mythological Background:


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© C. Kronberg
Last modification: 97/03/23 --- smil at clell.de