The Stars of Reticulum

All data has been taken form the 4th edition of the Bright Star Catalog. The "H" at the magnitude means the original HR magnitude. Without comment the visual magnitude is meant.

HR Number     Starname       RA(2000)     DECL(2000)     Spectraltype     mag(V)     B-V
1336         alpha   RET    04 14 25.5    -62 28 26       G8II-III        3.35       0.91
1175         beta    RET    03 44 12.0    -64 48 26       K1-2III         3.85       1.13
1264         gamma   RET    04 00 53.8    -62 09 34       M4III           4.51       1.65
1247         delta   RET    03 58 44.7    -61 24 01       M2IIIab         4.56       1.62
1355         epsilon RET    04 16 28.9    -59 18 07       K2IVa           4.44       1.08
1006         zeta    RET    03 17 46.1    -62 34 32       G3-5V           5.54       0.64
1010         zeta    RET    03 18 12.8    -62 30 23       G2V             5.24       0.60
1395         eta     RET    04 21 53.4    -63 23 11       G8III           5.24       0.96
1372         theta   RET    04 17 39.7    -63 15 19       B9III-IV        5.87      -0.07
1266         iota    RET    04 01 18.2    -61 04 44       K4III           4.97       1.42
1083         kappa   RET    03 29 22.6    -62 56 16       F5IV-V          4.72       0.40

C. Kronberg