The Stars of Piscis Austrinus

All data has been taken form the 4th edition of the Bright Star Catalog. The "H" at the magnitude means the original HR magnitude. Without comment the visual magnitude is meant.

HR Number     Starname       RA(2000)     DECL(2000)     Spectraltype     mag(V)     B-V
8728         alpha   PSA    22 57 39.0    -29 37 20       A3V             1.16       0.09
8576         beta    PSA    22 31 30.3    -32 20 46       A0V             4.29       0.01
8695         gamma   PSA    22 52 31.5    -32 52 32       A0III*          4.46      -0.04
8720         delta   PSA    22 55 56.8    -32 32 23       G8III           4.21       0.97
8628         epsilon PSA    22 40 39.3    -27 02 37       B8Ve            4.17      -0.11
8570         zeta    PSA    22 30 53.6    -26 04 25      gK0              6.43       1.08
8386         eta     PSA    22 00 50.1    -28 27 13       B8Ve            5.42      -0.09
8326         theta   PSA    21 47 44.1    -30 53 54       A2V             5.01       0.04
8305         iota    PSA    21 44 56.7    -33 01 33       A0V             4.34      -0.05
8478         lambda  PSA    22 14 18.7    -27 46 01       B8III           5.43      -0.16
8431         mu      PSA    22 08 22.9    -32 59 19       A2V             4.50       0.05
8767         pi      PSA    23 03 29.7    -34 44 58       F0V+F3V         5.11       0.29
8447         tau     PSA    22 10 08.7    -32 32 55       F6V             4.92       0.48
8433         upsilon PSA    22 08 25.9    -34 02 38       M1III           4.99       1.48
8214                        21 29 03.7    -31 14 19       A0              6.50       0.03
8230         102107         21 32 14.5    -33 56 41       A2IVv           5.97       0.05
8253                        21 36 10.9    -26 10 18       Am              5.73       0.22
8256                        21 36 48.8    -33 02 53       A7Vn            6.11       0.22
8405                        22 04 23.8    -29 55 00       K5III           6.47       1.63
8637                        22 42 22.1    -29 21 40       M5III           6.17       1.54
8693                        22 51 20.9    -29 32 11      gG9              5.97       0.91
8721         TW PSA         22 56 23.9    -31 33 57       K4V             6.48       1.10

C. Kronberg