The Stars of Microscopium

All data has been taken form the 4th edition of the Bright Star Catalog. The "H" at the magnitude means the original HR magnitude. Without comment the visual magnitude is meant.

HR Number     Starname       RA(2000)     DECL(2000)     Spectraltype     mag(V)     B-V
7965         alpha   MIC    20 49 58.0    -33 46 48       G7III           4.90       1.00
7979         beta    MIC    20 51 58.7    -33 10 38       A2Vn            6.04       0.03
8039         gamma   MIC    21  1 17.4    -32 15 28       G6III           4.67       0.89
8070         delta   MIC    21  6  1.0    -30  7 31      gK0              5.68       1.03
8135         epsilon MIC    21 17 56.2    -32 10 21       A1V             4.71       0.06
8048         zeta    MIC    21  2 57.8    -38 37 54       F3V             5.30       0.41
8069         eta     MIC    21  6 25.4    -41 23 10       K3III           5.53       1.35
8151         theta   MIC    21 20 45.5    -40 48 35       ApCrEuSr        4.82       0.02
8180         theta   MIC    21 24 24.7    -41  0 24       A0IIIpSi        5.77      -0.05
7943         iota    MIC    20 48 29.0    -43 59 19       F1IV            5.11       0.35
7846         nu      MIC    20 33 55.0    -44 30 58       K0III           5.11       1.01

C. Kronberg