The Stars of Corvus

All data has been taken form the 4th edition of the Bright Star Catalog. The "H" at the magnitude means the original HR magnitude. Without comment the visual magnitude is meant.

HR Number     Starname       RA(2000)     DECL(2000)     Spectraltype     mag(V)     B-V
4623         alpha   CRV    12 08 24.7    -24 43 44       F2III-IV        4.02       0.32
4786         beta    CRV    12 34 23.2    -23 23 48       G5II            2.65       0.89
4662         gamma   CRV    12 15 48.3    -17 32 31       B8IIIpHgMn      2.59      -0.11
4757         delta   CRV    12 29 51.8    -16 30 56       B9.5V           2.95      -0.05
4630         epsilon CRV    12 10 07.4    -22 37 11       K2.5IIIaBa0.2:  3.00       1.33
4696         zeta    CRV    12 20 33.6    -22 12 57       B8Vne           5.21      -0.10
4775         eta     CRV    12 32 04.1    -16 11 46       F2III-IV        4.31       0.38
4635                        12 11 03.8    -23 36 08       A2V             5.46       0.06
4711                        12 23 21.5    -24 50 25      gK1              5.68       1.16
4797         TU      CRV    12 35 58.6    -20 31 37       F0III           6.20       0.33

C. Kronberg