The Stars of Apus

All data has been taken form the 4th edition of the Bright Star Catalog. The "H" at the magnitude means the original HR magnitude. Without comment the visual magnitude is meant.

HR Number     Starname       RA(2000)     DECL(2000)     Spectraltype     mag(V)     B-V
5470         alpha   APS    14 47 51.6    -79 02 41       K2.5III         3.83       1.43
6163         beta    APS    16 43 04.4    -77 31 03       K0III           4.24       1.06
6102         gamma   APS    16 33 27.1    -78 53 49       G8-K0III        3.89       0.91
6020         delta   APS    16 20 20.7    -78 41 45       M5IIIb          4.68       1.69
6021         delta   APS    16 20 26.7    -78 40 02       K3III           5.27       1.41
5336         epsilon APS    14 22 22.7    -80 06 32       B4V             5.06      -0.10
6417         zeta    APS    17 21 59.5    -67 46 13       K2III           4.78       1.21
5303         eta     APS    14 18 13.6    -81 00 27       A2m             4.91       0.25
5261         theta   APS    14 05 19.8    -76 47 48       M6.5III:        5.50       1.55
6411         iota    APS    17 22 05.8    -70 07 24       B9V+B9.5V       5.41      -0.04
5730         kappa   APS    15 31 30.8    -73 23 22       B1pne           5.49      -0.12
5782         kappa   APS    15 40 21.2    -73 26 48       B7III-IV        5.65      -0.04
5540         R       APS    14 57 52.8    -76 39 45       K4III:          5.34       1.45

C. Kronberg