The Stars of Antlia

All data has been taken form the 4th edition of the Bright Star Catalog. The "H" at the magnitude means the original HR magnitude. Without comment the visual magnitude is meant.

HR Number     Starname       RA(2000)     DECL(2000)     Spectraltype     mag(V)     B-V
4104         alpha   ANT    10 27 09.1    -31 04 04       K4III           4.25       1.45
4118         delta   ANT    10 29 35.3    -30 36 26       B9.5V           5.56      -0.04
3765         epsilon ANT    09 29 14.7    -35 57 06       K3IIIa          4.51       1.44
3780         zeta    ANT    09 30 45.4    -31 53 29       A1V             7.21       0.00
3781         zeta    ANT    09 30 46.1    -31 53 22       A1V             6.35       0.05
3789         zeta    ANT    09 31 32.2    -31 52 18       A9IV            5.93       0.26
3947         eta     ANT    09 58 52.2    -35 53 28       F1III-IV        5.23       0.31
3871         theta   ANT    09 44 12.1    -27 46 10       A8V+F7II-III    4.79       0.51
4273         iota    ANT    10 56 43.0    -37 08 16       K1III           4.60       1.03
3798         S       ANT    09 32 18.4    -28 37 41       A9V             6.46       0.33
4153         U       ANT    10 35 12.8    -39 33 45       N0:v            5.38       2.88

C. Kronberg